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June 2, 2010 6:29 pm

I am not sure how this may fit in here, but there needs to be greater regulation of carry-on items across all airports. At some, passengers can get away with bringing luggage on that would be checked-in at other airports. Additionally, gate agents do not enforce carry-on bag regulations in terms of size and number. This is a huge pain for other passengers who then cannot find a place for their bags because one person has taken up an entire overhead bin.
While I don’t advocate making people pay more fees, I think that if passengers are found to have bags that are too big to carry-on at the gate, they should at least pay a partial fee to check them on like everyone else who paid to check their bags on. However, if passengers are forced to check their carry-ons due to limited overhead space, then there should be no fees for them.

June 2, 2010 6:53 pm

Thanks for the interesting suggestion mthornt. Perhaps, DOT will consider rules about carry-on luggage in the future. Do you have any feelings about DOT’s current proposals?

June 22, 2010 12:28 am

While my comment is NOT directed at “mthornt1″, since I can’t find any access to Voice MY comment directly, other than “replying” to someone else’ comments.
Firstly, I have traveled relatively frequently out of the USA. What I find very interesting is that on the various airlines I have used, none have applied the Baggage Charge on my return flights from the other countries back to the USA. Why is this so?
It leaves me to believe that either the other countries airline offices are operating on their own and more efficiently and therefore find it unnecessary to charge for baggage or that there is something definitely Not Transparent.
Furthermore, it is my opinion that if there is a “Charge” for something, in this case baggage, that it is a contract… more »

…and that the baggage if not delivered with the owner and the time of arrival, then the contract has been broken and a refund is due the customer. « less

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