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February 22, 2011 4:18 pm

I work for a company that has four 3/4 and 1 ton pickups pulling trailers with a GVWR of under 8,000 pounds. We cross state lines occassionally. The costs involved in this rule would all but put our division out of business. I can somewhat understand the reason for this on an over the road truck, but there has to be more exemptions to account for the little guy like us. We may only need to drive CMV’s 3-5 times per month.

February 23, 2011 1:05 pm

It seems like your main concern is how this rule will effect smaller trucks that only sometimes meet the current weight definition for CMV. You might want to go to the Who would have to use an EOBR? post to see what FMCSA and others are saying about this.

Do you think FMCSA should exclude trucks that don’t meet the CMV weight requirement most of the time? How many trips per month does it make sense to exclude?

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