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August 3, 2010 4:20 pm

I just want to chime in and say how there needs to be more regulation in how carry-on baggage is handled on the plane. If only there was a way to have a specific, seat-dedicated overhead bin (with a lock? – just brainstorming here) that would allow only myself to use. So if my ginormous bag didn’t physically fit into my personal overhead bin, then I can’t stuff it into your space. I think that was the thinking with the current system, but now people are rushing to get onto the plane so they can get an overhead bin space so they don’t have to put things under the seat in front of them, without care that they are infringing on everyone else’s overhead space. If there was a one free checked bag allowance, that would be helpful. But ultimately, I would love to… more »

…have seat-specific overhead space.

I realize that doesn’t exactly fit into this category, except I suppose it does support the one-checked-bag-free idea. Thank you. « less

August 3, 2010 4:23 pm

I think peanuts should be banned from planes. I don’t care about them one way or the other, and if it would allow someone with a peanut allergy to fly, then great!

August 3, 2010 4:29 pm

I’m not sure where to put this comment but would like to post it somewhere. There needs to be more regulation in either 1) larger seat sizes, or 2) mandating that severely overweight passengers buy a second ticket. It is very troubling to be seated next to a person who is taking more than their seat allows. I’m not sure how they are enforcing it now, but I’ve seen some really large people squeezed into their (and their seatmate’s) seats. It’s not fair to have to share my already tiny seat with someone else. Thank you.

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